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Sunday 5 February 2012

PcAYa @ tIdaK

Syg aq hya buat dia selain mereka dan yg Esa…
Dia? guest who? My boyfriend? Hahaha. i have no boyfriend la.if possible,I dn’t want to have any boyfriend! U know why? Let it be my own secret but I am quite close wif someone.jeng3..spe tuhh. special case ye but not special person tau! kami ni kenal dah lama tp baru je rapat. At the month of Jun 2011,we start being quite close but on the month of DIcember,kami ni mcm having masing2 diam but now,kami dh mula ‘get in’ balik.our friendship dah x ‘serancak’ dulu kami ni mcm dah jauh sikit la.aisehh…t’story la plak! Hehehe…Sorry ye kawan! Ok, now back to the main point.dah dpt ‘tangkap’ who is that dia? U’ll never melainkan if u did really know the real me. Dia is someone who I really love selain my beloved family. Dia is my dearly sweet ‘sister’. Love which I mean is not that stupid cintan ok. love here is syg! Love yg m’bwa mksd cintan tu never exist in my life k but love yg m’bawa mksd syg yes. I admit it. I am being tested by God. He gave me too many questions about my dear little sister,but He dd’t  prepare me the answers.So ini b’mksd,aq kna ‘korek’ sndri the answers.2 thn aq cuba but I still dd’t get it.Alhamdulillah p’soalan yg t’kumpul sejak dahulu kala kian t’singkap jawapannya kini.Allah Maha Berkuasa.Allah Maha Penyayang.Jujur…aq jarang m’punyai masalah yg melibatkan fizikal. Sbb 2 aq tampak rilek jerr.Rilek la sgt yakin,hal melibat hati pasti sukar dimengerti dan dipahami.sukar  lagi tuk m’cari solusi.acecehh..ayt mcm xleh blah jer.ok3.siyesly ckp,aq dah buntu nihh.And apa yg aq t’dya skunk ni ialah panjatkan byk2 doa kpd Allah. I wish 1 day dia sndri akn nmpk sebuah keikhlasan hati org yg t’lalu sygkn tawu..she is hiding something from dear little ‘sister’,jgn b’rhsia yer cause I’ll know it later n u know,Once aq tahu what u’re hiding from me,I might really t’luka buat kesekian kali. Well as yg t’mktub dlm riwayat idup aq,aq ssh la nk mrh org yg aq syg.So I let everything happens  tanpa kerelaan aq.bukan takut utk p’tahankan tp itu semua kuasa ILAHI dan yg sedang m’gerakkan segala yg t’jadi ialah diri dia sendiri .i’ll never stop u my dear.u can do anything that u love even it ‘s really make me in hurt. Kasih x b’blas.uish3..kecian sgt2 un but u must stay strong. As we know,manusia x mmpu menyayangi 2 org insan dlm satu masa.Begitu jga dia.i know she really love her family.boyfriend? setahu aq,dia single apa yg buat aq rsa t’gugat sgt nihh??.hahaha..mcm mn aq,bgitulah dia tp dia ni special sikit.apa yg sama tntng kami?We love our junior.kalau dia sygkn sgt at bdk tuhh,knapa dia x boleh rsa apa yg aq sdg rsa..kot ye pon ,phmi sikit doe what I really siapa2 yg get the answer 4 cabar someone explain this dekat aq.and u dear…one day I got my strength,everything will more questions yg akn buatkan aq drop my tears again.i’ll make it turn into the reality.Allah akn bntu aq.Aq yakin.manusia xkn p’nh sedar akn kehadiran org yg syg akn dirinya melainkan org itu telah pon tgglkan kita.maybe u’re one of that person.dear just know….
I don’t afraid of leaving u
But I afraid if there’s no one
Could love u as I do…>.<
Apa-apapon,ur family x pyah tya arr.diorg akn always love u.ur friends too.selain meke,I am one of someone who really love u..DOKTOR…help me!! opperate me a.s.a.p. I am willing so.
~kwn2,jgn igt aq x syg korang tau.tanpa korang tungging -t'balik la idup aq nihh~

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